Sunday, June 14, 2009

You Are Our Wings - 11

"Born and raised In Indiana.
First airplane ride in Florida when I was 4 yrs old, and the bug bit then. That was my main drive from then on.
My mother had 2 good friends, when I was growing up, who were W.A.S.Ps during WW 2, and they gave me plane rides in an Ercoupe and a Bonanza when I was in high school. I guess supporting Team 31 is my way, of giving, some payback, to the generosity, of these 2 ladies, and saying thanks to all the women pilots, of that War.
I am very much drawn to WW 2 aircraft.
I have delivered airplanes to Bolivia and Italy as well as domestically including new Mooneys from Kerrville, TX.
I pray for team 31 and I know if they stay focused and supportive of each other they will do well.
I wish Team 31 all Gods speed."
- Tom Burnside
Current Flight Instructor in: SE, ME, Inst, Helo, Helo inst.
A.T.P. in MEL, Helo, and type in DC-3.
TT- 7000

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