Sunday, June 21, 2009

KAPA. Day 02.

Tom Burnside, Athina’s flight instructor flew out to Denver to meet us today. We sat down with him and went over approaches, leaning for density altitude, winds, weight and balance etc.

In the afternoon we went to Denver Jet Center East to meet Girl Scouts and just kids of all ages and talked to them about the Race, airplanes and all things aviation. Seeing their little faces light up was priceless. We met the cutest little girl named Lexi who wants to become a pilot just like her dad, she interviewed us for the Airport Journal.))

In the evening we got to meet all the teams at the Welcome Reception. So many women pilots of all ages and walks of life in one room – that alone made my body temperature go up!! Can’t wait until we get to race!!!

Got to meet Gretchen Jahn, a former CEO of Mooney Airplane Corp. She is racing this year as a part of Classic #20. Gretchen gave us a lot of valuable advice on Mooneys that keeps Jessica and Irene up at this time of the night re-doing weight and balance, trying to come up with creative ways of moving center of gravity to the back without adding much weight. Not sure we are getting closer to solving the problem (as the infamous car designer so accurately pointed out: “It's easier to make horsepower than to loose weight”), but definitely getting good laughs out of it.

Starting to miss our airplane. It was impounded after the inspection on Thursday and we will not be allowed to get near it until the day of the Race.

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