Friday, June 19, 2009

KLBF to KAPA. KAPA Day 01.

After a short night at North Platte, NE we flew to the Race start airport – KAPA (Centennial Airport, Denver, CO.)
Apparently KLBF is America's first lighted airfield, so of course we had to take pictures. That was an adventure in itself. Let me just say that we’ll take smart over cute any day from now on. After this photo session we are all on the same page about it.

The flight was absolutely beautiful. Thunderstorms were moving in, but we again escaped the bad weather and flew into the sunny, warm, beautiful Colorado! Those mountains are breathtaking. They make this whole adventure seem surreal.

Our Mooney passed the inspection without a problem (well, not counting Jessica sending Irene and Athena somersaulting with a prop blast, but it seems we cannot do anything without laughing about it for half an hour afterwards) around 14:00, and that is when we relaxed and fun began!

We are quickly becoming widely known in narrow circles as three crazy laughing college girls (for some reason everyone assumes we are college girls. don’t ask.) Anticipating imminent popularity among larger groups we even autographed thirty photo cards today. If nobody wants them tomorrow at the Opening Party expect them in your mailbox for Christmas.

We noticed other teams are planning, plotting and stressing… we officially declared today as a kick-back day. All intellectual improvement arises from leisure.
We ate at 3 Margaritas until they ran out of food. We found out Target Photo Center does not believe in usb ports, but we do not take ‘no’ for an answer when we believe there is a better solution, so walked a lot of miles around the town until we got picked up by a Race volunteer and were delivered back to the hotel. We swam in the pool until the hotel ran out of towels. I am wrapping up blogging for today before they run out of internet.

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